When You Look at Life with Your Eyes Open

The Matrix has come to The Gibson Girl Review… and so has a brand-new member of the podcast! New co-host Jacinta Meredith joins Amy and Katja for a soul-searching dive into Jean Webster’s 1905 novel, THE WHEAT PRINCESS, which asks its characters—as well as modern readers—to open their eyes to some pretty hard truths about history and to see the bad along with the good. Should unpleasant old books be “cancelled”? Or should they be read and discussed so that we can learn from the past? Tune in and join the conversation!

Get to know our newest reviewer, Jacinta Meredith, by visiting her website!

Topics and shout-outs in this episode include: the Gilded Age, the Progressive Era, Tennyson, Victorian poetry, the Gibson Girl, Italy, the Italian unification, eugenics, Nazis, the Nuremberg Trials, The Matrix, red pill, blue pill, Pink and White Tyranny, economics, politics, evolution, government responsibility, social responsibility, horseback riding, Zorro, pauperism, Vassar, women’s education, and suffrage.